Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Of Monsters and Very Large Feet

For as long as I can remember I have fallen in love with monsters.

Literary, rather than literal, of course.

I am sure it began with the fairy-tale variety; with beasts, frogs and bears who were really princes in disguise. Add to that a lifelong diet of classics in which nobles behave monstrously and presumed monsters are revealed as truly noble. Now, it is safe to say my girlish infatuation has deepened into a love for the ages.

So today it is reported that a mythical monster for our modern world may have been discovered in the Georgia woods. I am naturally skeptical, but oh my stars, I don’t want to be.

The story is that two men who lead bigfoot tracking expeditions, claim to have found the body of a hairy, 500 pound, 7 foot 7 inch man/ape. With very large feet. 16 3/4 inches long, to be exact. They also claim to have seen his “brethren” (their words from the press release at alive and well in the vicinity of the body. A press conference will be held on Friday, August 15th in Palo Alto at which the two men promise to provide photographic and DNA evidence of the find. Ah, for the luxury of being a press-credentialed master of my own schedule.

I must say, as much as the discovery fires my imagination, the romantic in me balks at the inelegant details as I imagine them unfolding: A monolithic yet lifeless carcass, abused by the elements, stretched on a stainless steel table. Harsh lights and sharp implements. Laboratory tests and sample collection.

Where I crave the Tarzan of Edgar Rice Burroughs or the Quasimodo of Victor Hugo, I find I may have to settle for Frankenstein’s monster, or rather, a poorly written, modern version in the vein of Clive Barker or Robin Cook.

Looks like I’ve been handed my Latest Obsession.


San Diego Momma said...

That's always been my argument against Bigfoot -- no bodies ever turned up.
NOW, we have a body. But perhaps it's just a tall mountain man?
I hope they broadcast that press conference.

I'm all about the monsters, as you know.

Tan said...

There's a great book called White Guys and Grizzlies written by a First Nations guide who spent his whole life leading big-game hunters through the forests of northern B.C. It's the only thing that's ever made me believe in the possibility of big foot.

Gratz on the new blog!