Tuesday, August 5, 2008

PROMPTuesday #16 - Give 'Em a Piece of Your Mind

San Diego Momma's PROMPTuesday #16:

write a letter of complaint. Write it to your grocery store, your breakfast, your toilet paper…anything you find lacking, subpar, or freaky.

Dear Jack,

I am pleased that your fast-food restaurant chain is responding to the nation’s obesity epidemic by developing menu items for the more health-conscious among us. I find it very comforting to know that, in a pinch (no groceries in the house, no time to cook) I can visit the Jack in the Box just down the street and grab one of your yummy new Acapulco Chicken Salads and actually ENJOY a fast food meal. However, I do believe you may wish to consider providing psychiatric evaluations for the chefs and market testers who designed this latest offering. Surely, only an unstable mind would conceive of pairing a delicious, healthful salad with a dressing that boasts TWENTY-FOUR GRAMS OF FAT.

For comparison’s sake, I reviewed the nutrition information for some of your other menu items. Here is what I found: At 24 grams of fat, one serving of your Cilantro-Lime Salad Dressing has more fat than a junior bacon cheeseburger or a medium order of fries. 6 pieces of your latest mother’s-worst-nightmare snack food, breaded and deep-fried macaroni and cheese (who comes up with this stuff?), surpasses the fat content of the dressing by a single gram, as does the Cheeseburger Deluxe, the Supreme Croissant, and the Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit.

Clearly, someone forgot to consider the target market for your salads.


Thankful for Low-Fat Balsamic Dressing in San Diego

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